Such as the candles used for the treatment of prostatitis

Prostatitis – it is very unpleasant and full of serious complications of the disease, the treatment that you require and urgency.

candle from prostatitis

Rectal candles are recognized as excellent means, which reduces inflammation and pain. They are not, perhaps, as the only and primary means of treatment of prostatitis, but could supplement the main course of treatment in order to improve the efficiency and accelerate the healing, and also shoot bad symptoms.

Every man should know, what type of spark plugs for the treatment of prostatitis it is worth to pay attention, then, a list of the names of low cost and effective drugs will be presented below. This dosage form is considered to be one of the best in the treatment of inflammation of the prostate, because it provides more active absorption of nutrients and their rapid transport in the tissue of the prostate.

The basis for the treatment of prostatitis

The treatment of prostatitis should be comprehensive and include:

  1. Medications that improve blood flow to the prostate.
  2. Physiotherapy treatments.
  3. Antibacterial drugs, administered under the control sensitivity to it disease pathogens.
  4. Drugs that increase the body's defenses (immune-boosting) — are assigned only after specific study of the blood — immunogram.
  5. Massage prostate, treatment of gymnastics.
  6. Local treatment with the help of rectal candles.

The doctor may prescribe a candle with a painkiller or antibiotics, candles with propolis or plant oils, etc

After the treatment rectalis candles decreases the swelling of the prostate, disappear pain, restored the function of the prostate, it is prevented the development of thrombosis, is restored to the normal urination.

Candles with propolis prostatitis

Candles with propolis are considered to be the most effective for the treatment of prostate inflammation. Propolis, incoming in their composition contains a lot of nutrients such as amino acids, chrysanthemums, resin, trace elements, thanks to what has more effects at the same time.

candles with propolis

Candles with propolis with prostatitis are drugs the number one, when it speaks of the prevention or treatment of chronic form of inflammation of the prostate.

Candles with propolis prostatitis have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, rejuvenating, and also pain-relieving actions. Contraindications to the use of these suppositories almost none, with the exception of an intolerance to components of the medication, and allergic reaction to propolis.


During the treatment of prostatitis is an important condition is the elimination of pain, that gives a strong discomfort. Painkillers are able to have a wide spectrum of action. Best of all here, to help suppositories with promedolum. The treatment of these candles brings a great relief.

Candle, to relieve the inflammation

The effective action for the inflammation, in this case, a non-steroid substances. The active ingredient of these candles is the diclofenac.

Are used in acute and chronic prostatitis, hemorrhoids. Well relieve the inflammation in the organs of the pelvis, rectal use, not too toxic to the digestive system.


Have antiseptic, a disinfectant, an anesthetic (such as diclofenac) action. Also, Ichthyol suppositories improve the blood circulation in the area of impact. Ichthyol candles for the treatment of prostatitis have a particular smell. Contraindications, unless the intolerance of the components, it has not been revealed.


This type of medication called to solve 2 problems – the presence of microorganisms in the prostatic gland (in practice, if not there are germs – do mother nature) and the resolution of the spasm.

candles with the antibiotic

As an antibiotic in suppository or used rifampicin (group ansamycin), that stops the synthesis of RNA within the bacterial cell and does not act on the replication of a person.

Candles with beta-Sitosterol

Beta-sitosterol – a substance that effectively protects the prostate gland. The substance contained in rice bran, sprouted wheat, soybean and corn oil. Rectal candles used alone or in combination with other drugs for prostatitis.

All the rectal suppositories introduced into the rectum. The active substances of the candles penetrate the prostate gland and exert on it the medicinal actions.

All drugs, including candles, shall be assigned to a specialist after inspection of the patient and the diagnosis of prostatitis. Each medication has contraindications and side effects.